ANA Meeting this Tuesday, March 20th!

After dinner this Tuesday, why not stroll over to Arcadia Elementary school and attend one of your neighborhood board meetings. Then, like me, you too can be impressed with the level of dedication your neighbors and board members have in making our little neck of the woods even better!

Click on ‘read more’ to see the meeting agenda. Hope to see you there!

Arcadia Neighborhood Association
Community Board Meeting – Agenda
Arcadia Elementary School Library
March 20, 2018

1) Call to Order:

2) In Attendance:

3) Committee Reports
  a) City Inspector and Safety Reports
    i) Housler fence repair
    ii) West Michigan Ave. litter
  b) Arcadia Representation on City Commissions/Boards/Committees –
      Cluster Housing Variance approval update
  c) Open Space Committee (Chairman Rex B.)
  d) Arcadia Garage Sale
  e) National Night Out Ice Cream Social – Help Chris plan and execute

4) Meeting Reports
  a) All Neighborhood Meeting – March 13
     i) Transit review
     ii) 501c3 assistance
     iii) Parks Master Plan 2019 ($300K) – Natural Features Overlay concern

5) Neighborhood Planning Process:
  a) Time line
     i) March 20 – Board meeting input draft of Survey
     ii) April 1 – feedback from board on draft
     iii) April 17 – Board approval of Flyer and Survey (for website creation)
    iv) May 1-15 – Publish survey on website and door to door flyer campaign
        (1) Funds available
     v) June & July – Summer hiatus
     vi) August 7 – National Night Out Ice Cream Social
         (1) Push the survey and Imagine Arcadia meeting
     vii) August 21; 5-8pm – Imagine Arcadia Community Meeting
         (1) Survey data summarized and available for neighbor review
         (2) City Department Representatives
         (3) Funds available
     viii) Sept/Oct – “explore further”
     ix) Nov/Dec – check in with community about what we heard/learned
     x) Jan/Feb – present plan to City
     xi) Mar/Apr – petition Planning Commission for Approval
  b) Survey Draft

6) Next Meeting: 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm
         a) April 17 Yes or No
         b) May 15 Yes or No
         c) June 19 Yes or No
         d) July 17 Yes or No

7) Adjourned: